Fiber Hawaii 2016 In, Of, or About Fiber
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Prospectus & Entry InformationConditions and Display Regulations: Artists are encouraged to enter in traditional or nontraditional fiber media with a fresh approach to using fiber materials or techniques. Entries in media other than fiber are welcome and will be judged from the perspective of a fiber theme. All entries must be of original design and created independently within the last two years. No work previously juried and exhibited on Oahu is eligible. All accepted works will be installed by the installation committee. Those entries that pose an installation problem may require the artists’ assistance; please include installation instructions and materials at the time of drop-off. It is understood and agreed that all entries are submitted at the owner’s risk. Care will be taken in the handling of all entries, but neither Hawai‘i Craftsmen nor the Honolulu Museum of Art School will assume responsibility of the loss of, or damage to works submitted, no matter how such damage might be sustained. Accepted works, even when sold, must remain at the Gallery of the Honolulu Museum of Art School for the duration of the show and are subject to photographic reproduction for educational or publicity purposes. Artists that are members of HC receive 60% on sold artwork; non-members receive 50 %. Oahu artists will be required to sit the show or pay a “sitter’s fee” of $30 for one shift per artwork included in the exhibition. Eligibility and Fees: All artists are invited to submit entries to “IN, OF or ABOUT Fiber”, including wearables. Any craft media will be accepted for jurying. Fees are as follows: Hawaii Craftsmen Members: $25 for up to 2 entries Nonmembers: $75 for up to 2 entries Additional entries: $10 per addtional entry Participants may join Hawai‘i Craftsmen at entry time to take advantage of the member’s entry fee. HC is supported in part by membership dues. Membership dues: Seniors $30; Students (w/ valid ID) $25; Individual $48; Family (up to 2 parents, and children living with the same address $65. Awards will be given. Registration: To minimize long lines on registration day register and pay online. This is recommended. Your registration information will immediately be emailed to you. Please print out the emailed registration form and bring it with you when you drop your work of for jurying. If you chose to register and pay in person, please download and fill out the prospectus. Shipping Procedures: Artists off island who would like to submit their work for jurying are responsible for all mailing/shipping and insurance costs to get their work to Honolulu. Work must be received on or before August 18, 2016 in order to be considered for jurying. Shipping address: Honolulu Museum of Art School Gallery, c/o Hawai‘i Craftsmen, 1111 Victoria St., Honolulu, HI 96814 Unless your entry is extremely large or heavy, HC will be responsible for return mailing or shipping and insurance for up to $100. You must include a completely filled out return label or we cannot ship your work back to you. You must include weight and dimensions with the return label. All submissions must be packed and sent in a sturdy reusable container/pacaking materials and include clearly written packing instructions. Accepted Artist Resumes: A book of artist resumes or statements will be available for gallery visitors. All accepted artists should provide a one page document with artist information, letter-sized standard format only. Hard copy is preferable, or email it as a PDF file to Re: FIBER HAWAII Artist Statement. Make sure your name is at the top of the page. Please submit your artist statement by August 22, 2016. For general inquiries or more information, please contact exhibition co-Chairs Maya Portner: or Liz Train: For more information or if you’re interested in participating in “Fibermorphic Fashion Show”, Hawaii Craftsmen’s 2nd wearable art fashion show, contact Tanyah Tavorn at HAWAII CRAFTSMEN IS SUPPORTED BY THE HAWAI’I STATE FOUNDATION ON CULTURE AND THE ARTS, THE HAWAII COMMUNITY FOUNDATION, ATHERTON FAMILY FOUNDATION, THE COOKE FOUNDATION, THE MCINERNY FOUNDATION, SEVERAL PRIVATE FAMILY FOUNDATIONS AND OUR MEMBERS. MAHALO TO OUR AWARD SPONSORS: ANONYMOUS, PEGGE HOPPER, HAWAII HANDWEAVER’S HUI AND OTHERS. MAHALO ALSO TO THE HONOLULU MUSEUM OF ART SCHOOL. Download Prospectus | ExhibitIn, Of, or About Fiber Fiber Hawaii 2016 Entry day: August 23 - September 10 Honolulu Museum of Art School Gallery Opening Reception: Join us for a walk-through of the exhibit with our Juror at 5:00 pm Programming for the evening will include ‘Fibermorphic Fashion Show’, the 2nd wearable art fashion show featuring Hawaii fiber artists and fashion designers. Show starts at 7:00 pm JurorGlen Kaufman
He was invited to return to Cranbrook in 1960 to head the textiles program there and came to University of Georgia in 1967 where he established the Program in Fabric Design. In 1999 he launched the Study Abroad Program – Japan in Kyoto and retired from UGA in 2008. He is the recipient of 2 NEA Individual Artist Grants plus various grants and awards at UGA. He is co-author of Design on Fabrics, a seminal book in the area of surface design and he is past president of the Surface Design Association. He continues to write, with articles for the Surface Design Journal and other publications in the US and Japan. He has maintained a studio in Kyoto, Japan where he has spent part of each year since 1983. He has had many solo exhibitions in the US and Japan plus several in S Korea. His record of group shows is extensive including venues in the US, Europe, Africa and Asia. His work in the permanent collections of the Museum of Art & Design, NYC, The Cleveland Museum of Art, Racine Art Museum (WI), Kyoto National Museum of Modern Art, DeYoung Museum, Renwick Museum plus private collections. He has lectured and given many workshops in the US and Asia. His work has been published in numerous books, exhibition catalogs and articles. Slide LectureSlide Lecture with Glen Kaufman Saturday, August 20 at 5:00 p.m (refreshements at 4:30 pm) at The Honolulu Museum of Art School After many years of creating individual works each with a specific focus, Kaufman became more concerned with a conceptual use of space: Installation Art. Although generally not-site specific, these works include multiple elements that are meant to convey a message, a feeling, an atmosphere. Much of the work presented in his lecture has been inspired by his many years of exposure to Japanese culture, including dance. Kaufman says, “I have been fortunate in developing a collaboration with a Japanese Butoh dancer who performs in the gallery space adding an additional sensory impact to the work.” In addition to his own work Kaufman will include images of installations by Japanese artists. FREE TO THE PUBLIC |